None who heard it now
Saw it coming
Not among friends or neighbours
Nor in the KGNL family
How could a request
So casually made
For a 3-day rest
Turned perpetual?
In those last moments
Your spouse prevailed
in loud protestation
Joined by the children
They refused to let go
With soul receding they
Your body In profuse prayers
Insisting this was not
“n could not be
The promise of God
But what do we know
of the promise of the Almighty
Beyond what we arrogate to
ourselves in blind faith?
The dead mourn the dead
We profess riches and longevity
The road to one we all can manoeuvre
The other is the jealous preserve of
A FATHER we can never understand
however close we become
But this much is true,
You loved the Lord
And your conversion was real
You lived it
You walked the talk
The profound verses you
sent me at each new dawn
Formed the foundation of my
daily communion with the heavenly
You will be sorely missed
Yet in this consolation
We must allow a confident smile
If any special place is reserved
for those HIS beloved
In a mansion beyond our earthly sight
That’s where you’d be
Rest there now on, Niyi
In timeless peace.